About Us …

This is the blog of two American Writers Exposed in their struggles along the crowded and bumpy highway to publishing.  In our attempt to take the high road (Ha!), we want to engage others’ experiences and advice.  Our intent with our posts is to complain lightheartedly and encourage humor and advice from other like minded writing colleagues.

We both love to write and do so regularly with belief others will enjoy reading our projects. We have been friends for many years and are steadfast admirers of each other’s talents.

Jessica is married and lives with her husband on a hill.  She has 4 dogs, 3 children, and a grand-daughter.  Writing and her life with Roomba fill her days and nights.   A lover of life and connoisseur of fine caffeine, she now attends writing conferences, webinars and all avenues that lead to publishing with a furor.


Sandi is married and lives with her husband on a different hill, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 llamas.  Writing, gardening, Zumba, walking, reading, and doing (somewhat safe) reckless activities such as skydiving and bungee jumping fill her life.  Her friends are an important part of her life since she has no children, but her fur family fills that role for now.


We hope you enjoy our zany wit and exhausted efforts.

Sandi & Jessica

8 thoughts on “About Us …

  1. Hello Sandi & Jessica
    Welcome to wordpress,
    and that’s an interesting bio you have !! 🙂
    Best of luck with your publishing,
    and lets stay connected 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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