New POVs To Try

Two different writing gurus separately advised Jessica and I to consider writing our novels in first person. We were content in our omniscient 3rd POV. I hemmed and hawed over the idea.  Jessica launched into taking a scene written in omniscient 3rd rework.  I pondered and eventually ordered The Power of Point of View: Make Your Story Come to Lifeby Alicia Rasley. I recommend it for anyone confused about which POV would work best for their story. Finally I took on Jessica’s challenge.

It was hard to recreate the chosen scene in first person. I’ll admit it. I wrestled with my new draft. I wanted to use the same verb tense as the 3rd POV. Several sentences became awkward, but I lived in my character’s mind. I heard, saw and projected into her life. Wow.

After we met to read to each other, we were happily surprised. I had not heard Jessica’s 3rd person scene before and found it delightful, but when I listened to her 1st person POV, I sat back in my chair. “That’s a tremendous revision.” She nodded her head and agreed she preferred my second scene rewrite, also. I understood her heroine better.

The personal scenes jumped to life. Both were easier to follow and, here’s the kicker, we were in our characters’ minds and emotions. No more “head jumping” for us!

So, here we go.

I fully understand another reason writing takes entirely too long. What do each of us writers want? We want our story to be an enjoyable read that engrosses our fans. Maybe it will be memorable as well?


Who can you trust?

Have you encountered someone in your life who when their lips moved, they were lying? Since having recent experiences with people who scammed me with a toothy grin and affable manner, I have been had. Perhaps your characters have, too.

My mother advised me to not trust people who didn’t trust others. That’s been proven accurate over time. I embrace the “listen to your gut”and that has helped me.  I arrived home to my safe little home and sensed someone was in my house or had been lurking. I leaped down stairs and missed all but one quickly enough to stop the friend who had dropped me off less than 30 seconds before. Yes, the house was dark and the screen had been pried off the window. The garage man door was ajar.  I trust my gut.

But I have been pulled in by the narcissistic personality. They are never wrong, never apologize unless it is manipulative, have no empathy  for others, and have a penchant for deceit. They portray an exaggerated sense of self and are attention/praise whores.  Add strategic, cunning, and intelligent to their personalities, and they’re  trouble to an unsuspecting person. (Sound like anyone you know?)

When they interpret another as belittling them, watch out. It’s WWIII.

View the characters in your story. Could any of them be narcissistic?  How does that possibility ramp up your work?





Survivor and your writing

I have been a follower of the game show, “Survivor” since its 2nd season. Initially I thought it was stupid and ridiculous. Then I got caught up with the human element— why do participants make the decisions they do and make no apology for what they do? —–only rationalizations. Human nature amazes me. Humanness drives choices as it does for our characters, and, oh yes, ourselves. Survivor is a game in which death and destruction are supplanted by money.

What motivates our choices under duress, be it life and death or a game show? My characters were people who struggled against great odds during WWII to live. Life and death decisions and no win choices.

Meanwhile, back to the game, Survivor. I hadn’t watched the final 3 episodes before last night. I was horrified. The winner of immunity challenges which kept him in the game and who played with honesty, loyalty, and kept his word until he had a  “Sophie’s choice “with 3 players with whom he had made alliances. He was forced to make a No-Win choice. He had given an immunity idol he had found to another player jeopardizing his own game. He was the perfect winner. He did not get even one vote.

What was his Achilles heel?

He was socially awkward since a child. He never said but he may have had a mild autism.He showed who he was but that “flaw” cost him the game. Ken didn’t know how to play the social game. He didn’t show his emotions as the winner did. He never played that card. The winner did—sincerely as he was, that was the important difference.

The values of the voters ignored his honourable game play and passed him over because of his personality. Was this true in 1945? Is it true of our culture now?


#SportsReport #SportsEdition-a single perspective-from the parking lot-across the street and down the alley…#Wtf

First, I would like to start out by saying I did not get paid for this post. (Okay, maybe, I did, just like the millions of other folks selling out to earn a paycheck.) Yet, this is a simpleton’s view from a galaxy far, far away.


Professionally, I don’t get it.


How is this team still affiliated and not booted from the NFL?

Why are we supporting a culture averaging 60+billion dollars a year? The beauty industry comes in a close 2nd at around 55+billion. (See OM’s fashion blog.)


And we wonder why we are fucked. Is there really nothing else in this world we could be spending our hard earned money on? Maybe on a class in ethical behavior and morality? Athletes are made out to be heroes, not humans, [many times paid handsomely and believe in those computer generated, manipulated stats.)

‘Ladies & Gentlemen’ our children are watching.


Could the nightly news have a segment on “how to be a better person? Tools for achieving spiritual ‘God’ status?” After looking at this list of felons, just in the NFL, I am sure you would agree the nation could use such. (Oh’ wait maybe that syndicate is considered Dr.Phil or Oprah.)


-All of this just makes us look like

 ID 10 T’s-

I thought, at first, this would be funny, poking fun at Tom Brady and Tony Romo-my all time dislikes, hailing Joe Montana, the Manning boys, cursing the fate of Tim Tebo, but now I am disgustingly depressed. Close your eyes OM, I found this… and I close the chapter on my excitement in running a sports segment. Everything is “rigged.”

Before I let you go here is one of my favorite clips in the whole of my NFL watching career.

Sorry, Troy.

Why can’t we #BeLove #ShowLove, real people, reporting real news, NO sensationalizing…

Write On…Send Sunshine-<3 Jess




Death 2 a “Pantser”

Woe to thee, mine heart, mine breath, all known to me as whimsy and flair.

I hear you speak in words yet to be spoken, I see you clear.

Vision is fancy, a perilous play to the sanity of one.

Infected is this mind, fool—perhaps, is what I have become.

Victim, I refuse to fall.

I choose your light to flow from mine hand and gasp life as you have asked me to pen.

Survive—my dearest of friends, for expression has meaning.

Your story deserves to be written down.



Now that I have my ‘purply-ness’ out of the way, I welcome you once again to Thursday, the day after the proposed marked posting for IWSG, but none-the-less an entry in a just cause we writer types should acknowledge.

Insecure Writers Support Group Badge

Thank You, Mr. Cavanaugh, and I bid you, yet, another, pardon for my tardiness. Friends, colleagues, individuals known as my peers, I present to you the label me NOT post.

In the beginning, I understood writers were categorized into 2 groups-“Pantser or Planner.” You were one or the other—you could not be both. So I fell for it.



Let us define “Pantser” straight from the valuable archives of the Urban Dictionary…

A NaNoWriMo term that means that you ‘fly by the seat of your pants’ when you are writing your novel. You have nothing but the absolute basics planned out for your novel.

This outlook towards writing is often opposed by the ‘planner,’ who knows exactly what is going to happen when it will happen, and where it will happen. There is often enmity between the two types of writers.

Another pantser?! Seriously, GTFO.

Truly their words-I am less inclined to believe it comes directly from NaNoWriMo..but who am I? My understanding is that even the basics need not be planned. The specifics flow their blue+red=purple path as each sentence is written. Everything naturally falls into place, and you’re tasked with the minimal effort of showing up.

We will then turn to their term of “Planner.”

An underpaid, overworked employee that takes endless shit and abuse, while trying to organize work for thankless assholes that don’t want to do the work in the first place.

(Okay, that did not turn out so well but I found it hugely entertaining. Dear Urban Dictionary, you slay me.)

We could try the other famous terminology of “Plotter.”

A person who plots.
A person who plots on a regular basis.
A person who has indeed plotted before.
A person who is currently plotting.

Now we are getting a little closer.

#WTF am I talking about? Let me not digress, I believed I was a “Pantser,” and at the time the thought was liberating. I belonged to TYPE 1 or TYPE 2 of writing academia.

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I was a fish out of water in the endless sea of my scribbles


Word vomit, my chosen mastered skill. After all, I have no problems sitting down and typing the whole of the live-long day. These voices inside keep me well entertained, and a gazillion thoughts and storylines fill me. I write well and say nothing at the same time.

Cue “Taps.”

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Advice often speaks that writing takes years to develop, the understanding of craft, your individual voice, definition. I have 4 works finished, but not finished. And one day something resonated—zapping my staggering mass, “Aha!”

Cue prayers for this person. (not literally me)

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We have to be neither. All is for not if we don’t have THE master plan, and not the one we originally imagined, but a working, real, tangible guide that will guarantee results if indeed this is what we are after.

Hello, my friend Mr. Larry Brooks and his friend Mr. Art Holcomb. You both may have just saved my writing life. No longer shall I make more difficult what is already half way there. Thank you for this post. (Every writer MUST read, honestly, the ultimate in time well spent.)

When I see you in Starbucks I look forward to giving you my answer.

“The Tragedy I See At Starbucks Every Day” – a new post by Art Holcomb

And I Write On-<3 Jess

PS…have I ever mentioned I would find great satisfaction in being re-blogged by Chris the story reading ape? (A 2017 resolution of mine) Another great writer’s resource blog!

Go, shawty it’s your birthday, We gon’ party like it’s your birthday…Author Animal Farm—New York GOOOOD, Self-Pub BAAAAAAD — Kristen Lamb’s Blog

Kristen Lamb in Da Club-Last time I checked #free my glorified writer type is #free…the written word is an enigma of itself no insult can be given, all expression should be celebrated…


Take is sis!


Okay at first I wasn’t going to say anything regarding the latest Let’s Bash Self-Publishing rant over at HuffPo, but (like all “real” writers) I am in the business of serving my audience—YOU—what you want to hear and after about the tenth person who sent me Laurie Gough’s Self-Publishing—An Insult to the Written Word, I […]

via Author Animal Farm—New York GOOOOD, Self-Pub BAAAAAAD — Kristen Lamb’s Blog